Remote Management Help

Using the Remote Management screen, you can allow a user on the Internet to configure, upgrade, and check the status of your router.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to change the router's default password to a very secure password.

Turn Remote Management On

Remote Management Address

This is the current address that you will use when accessing your router from the Internet. To access the router, you will type your router's WAN IP address into your browser's Address (in IE) or Location (in Netscape) field, followed by a colon (:) and the custom port number. For example, if your external address is and you use port number 8080, enter in your browser:

Allow Remote Access

For security, you should restrict access to as few external IP addresses as practical.

Port Number

Web browser access usually uses the standard HTTP service port 80. For greater security, you can change the remote management Web interface to a custom port by entering that number in the field provided. Choose a number between 1024 and 65535, but do not use the number of any common service port.

To save or cancel changes:

Click Apply to have your changes take effect.
Click Cancel to return to the previous settings.